
There is Only Sorrow in Cambodia

Essa semana andei afastado do blog... desculpem amigos, mas estou sem computador! Me mudei e ja nao tenho mais os computadores do dormitorio, e os da faculdade nao me permitem instalar o Hello, para postar fotos... Gomenasai...
Mas tenho estado muito sensibilizado com a pobreza... acho que eh porque estou aqui quase cinco meses sem ve-la... viver no meio dela, sem vive-la... como a classe media do Brasil, nos deixa meio duros e insensiveis... entao ahi vai uma letra linda, de Joan Baez, chama-se "Cambodia", e eh um olhar de um habitante do limpo e desinfetado (e afetado) Primeiro Mundo sobre a guerra, a fome, a doenca, e a morte de uma pais chamado Cambodja...
O link para a fonte da letra vai no fim do post...

CAMBODIA (Words and Music by Joan Baez)

We've watched them leaving, seen their ragged flight
Children of the jungle, mothers of the night
A boy of ten by the roadside lies
Hears his future in whispers and cries
And clutching a tiny Buddha charm
A baby dies in his mother's arms

Is there only sorrow in Cambodia?
Is there no tomorrow in Cambodia?

Leaving the graves of your ancestors after a thousand years
Leaving a few belongings after a thousand tears
How come you never left before through bombing, famine and flood?
Are the rivers useless now spilling over with blood?

Is there only sorrow in Cambodia?
Is there no tomorrow in Cambodia?

I hear there are very few children from ages one to five
It takes more than jungle leaves to keep the young ones alive
I hear some of the rice got through the outside's trying to send to you
There you sit in the ruins of war, the doctors are waiting at your door

And we will try and feed you, try and go to you
People of Kampuchea, Cambodia

A little way in from the border in the crowded camps
I've seen mothers giving birth, seen beautiful orphans dance
An old man turns and covers his eyes, he was never supposed to cry
With sons and daughters and home and wife
Taken from him in his autumn life

Should we try and feed you, say hello to you
Old man of Kampuchea, Kampuchea, Cambodia

Call another conference, write another song
Deliver another ton of rice and hope it gets where it belongs
And rival teams of bandits are really the only choice
Even if the people had their bellies filled, even if the people had a voice

And meanwhile, lovers are caught in the crossfire
Children are caught in the barbed wire
Military sinks in the mire
Let me show it to you
Is there only sorrow, only sorrow in Cambodia?
Is there no tomorrow, no tomorrow in Cambodia?
Still we'll try and feed you, try and show to you
People of Kampuchea, Kampuchea, Cambodia

© 1980 Gabriel Earl Music (ASCAP)

Cambodia, by Joan Baez


Tava vendo o teu blog e me deparei com a letra dessa música q sempre me tocou muito- pela letra e pela maneira forte como é interpretada.
Um grande abraço da sua amiga: Amanda.
PS: hj é dia 10/08/04.
Nossa, eu estava procurando a letra dessa música, que amo desde a infância. Não consegui achar registro no Youtube.com e só achei a letra aqui no seu blog. Será que você ainda está aí? Quem é você?
PS: hj é 28/06/2008
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